Manuscripts Manuscripts by Yosuke Amemiya
ここでは主に、Manu=手で Script=書かれた「原稿」を取り扱います。
1975年茨城県生まれ。ベルリン在住。Sandberg Institute(アムステルダム)Fine Art Course 修士課程修了。ドローイング、彫刻、映像インスタレーション、パフォーマンスなど多岐にわたるメディウムによって作品を制作。「六本木クロッシング2010展:芸術は可能か?」(森美術館)、「DOMANI ・明日展」(国立新美術館、2018)では数ヶ月間にわたる会期の全開館時間に在廊し、行為と発話によるパフォーマンスを行なった。2014-3314年のプロジェクト「1300年持ち歩かれた、なんでもない石」 を開始。膨大な労働を軽々とこなし、展覧会という時間や空間を凌駕する作品展開は、制度批判などをはるかに超えた雨宮独自の世界を構築している。
Yosuke Amemiya was born in 1975 in Ibaraki, Japan. He is currently based in Berlin/Tokyo. He graduated the Fine Art Course of Sandberg Institute (Amsterdam) with an M.A. His works consist of various mediums including drawings, sculptures, film installations, performances, and many more others. In Roppongi Crossing 2010: Can There Be Art? (Mori Art Museum), 21th THE ART OF TOMORROW (The National Art Center, Tokyo), he did a performance in which he stayed in the exhibition room throughout all operation hours; that continued for several months. He started Perfectly Ordinary Stones, Carried For 1,300 Years, which is an ongoing project that will continue during 2014-3314 on the occasion he participated in the Kunisaki Art Festival 2014). Amemiya lyrically completes vast amounts of labor, and his work exceeds the time and space of exhibitions, he is able to transcend criticisms of a system and build up his own unique world.